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Fiction Non-Fiction Books available in English language:
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eBook (.exe): My 10 Years' Imprisonment Author: Silvio Pellico
Book 9: Step-by-step Autopsy of an Epub eBookAuthor: Emanuele Cassani
Book 8: China: overheating economy?Author: Allston Mitchell
Book 7: Wolf, Wolf...Author: Antonio De Marco
Book 6: The New Wave of Creativity...Author: Paolo Manzelli
Book 5: Artificial Photosynthesis and Quantum EntanglementAuthor: Paolo Manzelli
Book 4: The Library of BabelAuthor: Emanuele Cassani
Book 3: Evolution StrategiesAuthor: Emanuele Cassani
Book 2: Men without faceAuthor: Županovic Milenko
Book 1: Step BackAuthor: Emanuele Cassani


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